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Find below a list of questions I often get asked before, after and even during treatment.  No question is a silly one so if you have a question and it is not listed here please send me a message Click Here

Best wishes

  • How long does the treatment take?
    2 Hours for Double Breast Uplift Scars 2 Hours 30 Minutes for Double 3D Areola Tattoos 90 Minutes for Single 3D Areola Nipple Tattoo
  • How will the tattoo be affected by my scar?
    Tattooing through and over a scar is very achieveable, however I am keen to assess the state of the scar before treatment. Scar tissue can be a little more tricky and this is where the second session comes into play. I always ask to see my clients again for a follow up treatment so we can refine and tweak the tattoo.
  • Do I need just 1 treatment?
    Sometimes 1 treatment is perfectly enough as we can get a lot of design and colour in on the first session. However, I always like to ask my clients to come back in from 4 weeks onwards for a follow up session. In this session we can tweak and make any changes.
  • Will I feel anything? Will it hurt?
    The majority of my clients do not feel much at all, they tend to feel more while I am going over a scar. If we find the sensation is too much I have topical anaesthetics at hand to sooth and numb, ready for the next pass. As surgeries for many women can be different, we try to treat each tattoo and procedure as a case by case treatment.
  • Can I choose the colour and shape?
    Yes of course, I have had many ladies who have come in with a picture of either their own before image or an already tattooed nipple from the internet. Obviously if your surgery was only on one breast then we make every effort to match your tattoo to the other nipple.
  • Do you match from my other Nipple/Areola?
    Yes, if you have had a single mastectomy then we can use your existing nipple as a guide and match Colour, Shape and Detail.
  • How much does it cost?
    Friday Free Clinic - Please email for availability Private Insurance - Please email with details Breast Uplift Scars - £200 per session Inverted Nipple Tattoos - £200 per session 3D Areola Nipple Tattoo Single Side £200 per session 3D Areola Nipple Tattoo Double Tattoo £300 per session
  • How can I book?
    Please email
  • What are the different option?
    3D Nipple Tattoo - this is on flat skin following surgery where the nipple was removed. 3D Nipple Tattoo on nipple reconstruction - this is on a nipple reconstruction made from skin tissue with no nipple colour Nipple Enlargement - this is for male or female to enlarge the areola shape Areola pigmentation - this is to 'colour in' the existing areola colour making darker Areola enhancement - this is for inverted nipples or from necrosis

Kally Permanent Cosmetics

Kally Permanent Cosmetics

27 Bridge Street

(Absolute Skin Clinic)





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